Julian Schutting


The premortem bequest of Julian Schutting was received in July 2016. This large number of manuscripts (texts, diary-like writings, sketches, and notes), many of which are still unpublished, is of great importance. Part of the inventory also consists of photographs that can be classified together with written works. However, interesting photos (of Hilde Spiel and others) are also part of an extensive collection of life documentation. Lists are available upon request for those wishing to research the collection.

Julian Schutting Collection

Time period: from 1953


  • Early and unpublished texts
  • „Bequest Writings“, intended for publishing
  • Manuskripts
  • Premortem bequest of photography


  • Time period: from 1967


  • Publication documents
  • Photos
  • Documents and materials
  • Audio records, videos, digital media


Julian Schutting was born into a science-oriented family in Amstetten, Lower Austria on October 25th, 1937. His father was a veterinarian and a hunter, and his mother was the daughter of a forest warden. His maternal grandmother, an operatic soubrette in Cologne in her youth, was the only one with an artistic career. Schutting’s childhood was affected by Nazis, the war, and the post-war era in a small town, later the topic of many of his books.

After living in Amstetten for 15 years and finishing 9th grade, Schutting attended the Graphische Lehr- und Versuchsanstalt – an art and graphic design school – in Vienna in 1953. His photography teacher, Ernst Hartmann, recognized his pupil’s artistic talent and urged him to write. His first poems and short prose pieces were published in the mid-1950s.

Schutting’s education at this school was of crucial importance to his later literature, although he did not go on to work as a professional photographer. Instead, he matriculated externally in 1959, and began studying History and German at the University of Vienna. In 1963, he wrote his dissertation on the history of law. Despite going on to study at the Institute for Austrian History Research, he decided against an academic career and instead took the teaching exam for German. Following his probationary year in 1965, Schutting taught at the Technical Secondary School in Vienna until 1987.

He began writing more intensively again in the mid-1960s, upon which he attracted the attention of Hilde Spiel and Hans Weigel. In 1971, Schutting was awarded a national literature scholarship. In the same year, he also received the Austrian National Prize for Poetry – though he hadn’t yet published a single book. Two years later, in 1973, he debuted with a volume of poems and a book of prose: in der Sprache der Inseln, published by Otto Müller, and Baum in O., a collection of short stories published by the Europaverlag. Only a year later, he became an in-house writer for Residenz Verlag and one of the most important figures in Austrian avant-garde literature.

In his poetry, Schutting works with experimental and classical forms. His prose opposes conventional narratives, and is strongly influenced by Musil and Wittgenstein, characterized by accounts of complex events and precise descriptions. The main themes of his work, which now spans more than 50 published books, are love, observations of nature and everyday life, and musings on language and philosophy. In addition, Schutting also writes radio plays and dramatic dialogues. In recent years, Schutting has worked mainly on diary-like reflections that poeticize the viewpoint of the observant writer and flaneur. Since 2007, his work has mainly been published by Jung und Jung in Salzburg.

Julian Schutting lives in Vienna.

Awards and Prizes:

2015 Gert Jonke Award

2013 Biennial Book Award of the Salzburg Chamber of Commerce

1997 Decoration of Honour in Gold for Services to the State of Vienna

1989 Georg Trakl Award for Poetry from the Federal Ministry of Education and Art

1988 Achievement Award of the State of Lower Austria

1983 Anton Wildgans Award from the Federation of Austrian Industry

1981 Achievement Award for Literature from the Federal Ministry of Education and Art

1974 Cultural Award from the City of Amstetten

1974 Grant Award from the City of Vienna

1973 Grant Award from the State of Lower Austria

1971 Austria Outstanding Artist Award for Literature in the category of Poetry



Catalogue of works by Julian Schutting (publications since 1956)

Catalogue of works by Julian Schutting (Books)


Baum in O. Prose texts, narratives, workshop. Vienna: Europaverlag 1973.

Tauchübungen. Prose. Salzburg: Residenz 1974.

Parkmord. Narratives. Salzburg: Residenz 1975.

Sistiana. Narratives. Salzburg, Vienna: Residenz 1976.

Steckenpferde. Narratives. Vienna: Rhombus 1977.

Am Morgen vor der Reise. Die Geschichte zweier Kinder. Salzburg: Residenz 1978.

Salzburg retour. Trauermusik: Thema und Variationen. Narrative. Graz, Vienna, Cologne: Styria 1978.

Tür + Tor. Elemente der Architektur. St. Pölten: Niederösterreichisches Pressehaus 1979. (together with Johann Kräftner)

Der Vater. Narrative. Salzburg, Vienna: Residenz 1980.

Der Wasserbüffel. Geschichten aus der Provinz. Salzburg, Vienna: 1981.

Liebesroman. Salzburg, Vienna: Residenz 1983.

Das Herz eines Löwen. Betrachtungen. Salzburg, Vienna: Residenz 1985.

Hundegeschichte. Salzburg, Vienna: Residenz 1986.

Findhunde. Prose. Stuttgart: Reclam 1988 (=Reclams Universal-Bibliothek 8517).

Reisefieber. Narratives. Salzburg, Vienna: Residenz 1988.

Väter. Rinderherden, bewegliche Ziele, Automobile und die Jagd. Graz, Vienna: Droschl 1990 (= Essay 5) (together with Wolfgang Siegmund).

Wasserfarben. Salzburg, Vienna: Residenz 1991.

Aufnachtung. Einem Holzschnitt und Zeichnungen von Reimo Wukounig. Vienna: David-Presse 1992.

Der Winter im Anzug. Sprachspaltereien. Graz, Vienna: Styria 1993.

Katzentage. Prose. Salzburg, Vienna: Residenz 1995.

Der Tod meiner Mutter. Salzburg, Vienna: Residenz 1997.

Jahrhundertnarben. Über das Nachleben ungewollter Bilder. Salzburg, Vienna: Residenz 1999.

Gezählte Tage. Notizen. Salzburg, Vienna, Frankfurt: Residenz 2002.

Was schön ist. (Nachwort von Christian Zintzen). Graz, Wien: Droschl 2002 (=Libell 3).

An den Dachstein. Nachwort von Gerhard Zeillinger. Farboffsetlithographie von Helmut Swoboda. Horn: Edition Thurnhof 2002.

Metamorphosen auf Widerruf. Über Musik. Salzburg, Vienna: Müller 2003.

Nachtseitiges. Salzburg, Vienna: Residenz 2004.

Tanzende. Ein Dilettant über eine schöne Kunst. Graz, Vienna: Droschl 2005.

Übereinstimmungen. St. Pölten, Salzburg: Residenz 2006.

Zu jeder Tageszeit. Novel. Salzburg, Vienna: Jung und Jung 2007.

Katholisch geblieben. Drei Texte. Innsbruck: Kyrene 2007.

Auf der Wanderschaft. Über das Vergnügen am Gehen. Salzburg, Vienna: Otto Müller 2009.

Am Schreibplatz. Salzburg, Vienna: Jung und Jung 2010.

Die Liebe eines Dichters. Salzburg: Jung und Jung 2012.

Blickrichtungen. St. Pölten, Vienna: Residenz 2013.

Zersplittertes Erinnern. Salzburg: Jung und Jung 2016.

Betrachtungen. St.Pölten: Literaturedition Niederösterreich 2016.



In der Sprache der Inseln. Poems. (Preface by Ernst Schönwiese). Salzburg: Otto Müller 1973.

Lichtungen. Poems. Salzburg: Otto Müller 1976.    

Liebesgedichte. Salzburg, Vienna: Residenz, 1982.

Aufhellungen. Salzburg, Vienna: Residenz 1990.

Flugblätter. Poems. Salzburg: Otto Müller 1990.

Aufstörung: zwei Prosagedichte. Hamburg: rospo 1998.

Das Eisherz sprengen. Poems. Salzburg, Vienna: Residenz 1996.

Rohübersetzung. Mondscheiniges über die Liebe. Graz, Vienna, Cologne: Styria 1999.

Dem Erinnern entrissen. Poems. Salzburg, Vienna, Leipzig: Müller 2001.

An den Mond. Poems. St. Pölten, Salzburg: Residenz im Niederösterreichischen Pressehaus 2008.

Der Schwan. Poems. Salzburg: Jung und Jung 2014.

Unter Palmen. Poems. Salzburg: Jung und Jung 2018.

Winterreise. Poems. Salzburg: Otto Müller 2021.



Gralslicht. Ein Theater-Libretto. Salzburg, Vienna: Residenz 1994.

Theatralisches. Eine Trinitas. Salzburg, Vienna: Otto Müller 2012.



Zuhörerbehelligungen. Vorlesungen zur Poetik. Graz, Vienna: Droschl 1990.

Leserbelästigungen. Graz, Vienna: Droschl 1993.

Zumutungen. Innsbrucker Poetikvorlesung. innsbruck university press 2019


Children's book

Roberts Donauschlepper. Illustrations by Angelika Kaufmann. Weitra: Bibliothek der Provinz, o.J.
